Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here comes the sun.... Do do do do.......

(No, I'm not a big Beatles fan - but I do like that reminds me of my Dad playing guitar when I was a kid...but I digress....)

Looking ahead to planting our large garden this spring - I was thinking about planting on the south-west side of our house in an area that gets lots of sun exposure (and is far away from where our four dogs play). Its a considerably large area - about 30'x20' that slopes down towards the woods (fine...its not woods, its a swampy area with some trees, grape vines, beach grasses growing in it). The only problem I foresee is that we have two large pine trees that shelter about 25% of this area and I was wondering if I could plant anything in this shady area.

*Quick! To the library!*
Well, not really - I'm not living in the stone age and I obviously have the I just used the all-mighty Google for help....and here's what I came up with....

There isn't a vegetable that will grow in full, dense shade...however, there are a few veggies that can grow with a minimal amount of sun (3-6 hours) daily. Without constant sunshine, these plants will also require LESS watering (a plus!).

Brussels Sprouts*
Mustard Greens
Swiss Chard*

*Items we are planning on growing

Basically, the rule of (green) thumb is this:
Full Sun: If you grow a plan for the FRUIT or ROOT
Partial Sun: If you grow for LEAVES, STEMS, or BUDS

Thanks for checking in!

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