Monday, April 9, 2012

The chicks have arrived!

I got a call from the post office late in the afternoon "your chickens are here!" I hurried to the post office, and as soon as I opened the door I could hear the distinct "peeping" of the chicks. The postmaster handed me an unusually small box, (I had expected a box big enough for a dog!) and I drove home, the peeping chicks in tow.

As soon as I got home I opened the box to find all of the chicks happily bouncing around their hay-filled crate. I took each one and individually dipped their beaks into the cool water from the feeder before placing them in the brooder and under the toasty 95 degree heat lamp.

They seemed very happy, exploring their new home, with the exception of one chick, who I named "Babs." Babs eyes were almost swollen shut. She could open them, but with obvious discomfort, and it seemed like it took a lot of her energy just to move around.

I took a warm, wet paper towel and attempted to open her eyes, but to no avail - they stayed closed no matter what I did. She was very content to sit in my hand and let me stroke her soft, fluffy feathers, occasionally peeping, but for the most part looking as if she was going to fall asleep.

Thoughts kept popping into my head "my god, I dont want this poor chick to suffer if she's dying! What the heck am I going to do?" I held her for about 2 hours, hoping that the heat from my hands and the constant petting, which she seemed to enjoy, would be a comfort to her.

So I went online to my new favorite website: Backyard Chickens and got into the "chick care" blog. With the help of several kind chicken owners, I was able to find a simple solution of sugar water that almost immediately revived Babs. It was amazing!

I never thought I would be attached to a chicken only minutes after meeting her, but it certainly felt good to know that Babs would be ok! (I can tell that she is going to be my favorite!)

Now all the chicks are happily enjoying their new surroundings....a new part of our family!

Thanks for checking in!

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